Shopdog Studios

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With Halloween right around the corner we can’t help but get a little excited about Fall! We are looking forward to the weather cooling and the leaves changing colors. Every year around this time we try our hand at making an apple pie and playing bobbing for tennis balls with our dog friends! This year we have even started our “trick for a treat” practice early in hopes of winning the title of Best Trick at our annual (this year virtual) Dog Halloween Party. We will keep you posted on how that goes. So far, there are much more treats than tricks being dispensed….

We hope that you have a safe and festive Fall Season this year, we know that everything has been upside down for a while now but hopefully you can find some joy in there somewhere! Maybe Halloween decorating is calling your name, or maybe you want to try making those homemade caramel apples! Yum! Here is a link to some dog friendly Halloween activities

Happy Halloween!
